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About Us

How it all began

International Lesbians Barcelona (ILB) began its remarkable journey in July 2020, born from the shared vision of Daphné and Alissa to create a safe, inclusive haven for queer women in Barcelona. Starting as a modest gathering, ILB quickly blossomed into a diverse and vibrant community, welcoming women from all nationalities and identities.

DALL·E 2023-11-11 16.54.00 - An artwork for a project titled 'Cultura y Comunidad_ Uniendo

Our Inspiring Journey

As ILB's founders, Daphné and Alissa laid a strong foundation rooted in inclusivity and support. In March 2023, the torch was passed to Kim and Lidi, who brought fresh energy and perspective to the group. Under their leadership, ILB experienced an extraordinary phase of growth, expanding its reach and impact within just a few months. The group's membership swelled, mirroring the increasing diversity and dynamism of our community.

This period of rapid growth was not just about numbers; it was a testament to the group's ability to foster a sense of belonging and create a 'home away from home' for queer women in Barcelona. With an array of activities ranging from social gatherings to cultural and community events, ILB became more than just a group - it evolved into a movement, a vibrant tapestry woven from the lives and stories of its members.

Today, ILB stands as a beacon of hope and solidarity, a community where every member is celebrated for who they are. Our journey continues, driven by a commitment to inclusivity, support, and the unyielding belief in the power of community. We're excited for the road ahead, knowing that together, we will keep making history.

Meet the Team

Our History in a Colouring Book

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Our Partners

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